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Oil and Cotton

Adult Weekly Beginner Oil Painting Series

Adult Weekly Beginner Oil Painting Series

Regular price $55.00
Regular price Sale price $55.00
Sale Sold out

Drop in March 11, 18, 25
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm
Instructor: Barbara Hack 
Supplies included.
Additional supplies can be purchased in our store at 10% off.


Beginner Oil Painting Class
Join Barbara Hack for a hands-on introduction to oil painting in this engaging 4-week class. Perfect for complete beginners as well as experienced painters looking to refine their skills. Barbara will walk you through the fundamentals of materials, brushwork, and classical oil painting techniques. We began with a stunning grayscale still life painting in January and will add colors and techniques each month, guided step by step.

Relax, unwind, and connect with fellow participants in a welcoming, creative environment. Feel free to bring your favorite cocktail and enjoy a fun and inspiring evening of art-making!

This class is a weekly series with no makeups or credit for missed weeks. You may attend another of our weekly adult drawing or acrylic painting classes to make up the time lost in the studio. Please read our cancellation policy.

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