November 17 Words and Pattern of Our Past, Present, and Future
November 17 Words and Pattern of Our Past, Present, and Future
Words and Pattern of our Past, Present and Future
Sunday, November 17, 1-4pm
Instructor: Andrea Tosten
Language and pattern can connect one to their distant culture. For many Americans, English is not the language of our ancestors. Colonialism, enslavement, displacement, and migration have made this a fact. Access to even one word from the language of one's ancestors can create a link that will sustain and lead to new possibilities.
During this workshop, students will learn a bouncy script style of calligraphy, and through repetition/pattern participants will be encouraged to explore words that mean something to them through the language of their ancestors.
Has your family held on to your ancestral language? If not, have you received any indication of the language(s) that were spoken in your family? How many generations back do you have to go? Bring any materials (i.e. letters, dictionaries, poetry, historical text) that will help you choose your word(s).
Recommended materials:
Bienfang Graphics 360 Marker Paper
Buddy Discount: If you are registering with a friend please use the discount code BUDDY to receive 10% off of your combined registration.